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The author
Lyndsey Harper, MD
Lyndsey Harper, MD is a Board Certified Ob/Gyn, Associate Professor of Ob/Gyn for Texas A&M COM, a Fellow of The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and a Fellow of the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health. Dr. Harper is the founder and CEO of Rosy, an award-winning women’s health technology company that connects women who have sexual health concerns with hope, community, and research-backed solutions. She has been named Forbes Top 53 Women Disrupting Healthcare, People Newspapers’ 20 Under 40, a Top Innovator in North Texas for 2020 and a DBJ Top Woman in Tech.
Articles by Lyndsey Harper, MD

Why UTIs happen after sex and what to do about it
Learn what causes UTIs after sex, how to prevent UTIs and methods for testing and treating UTIs at home!

The Truth About Antidepressants and Sexual Side Effects in Women
Dr. Harper interviews Bonafide's Dr. Dweck about the impacts of antidepressants on sexual function and shares medicinal and natural ways treatment options.

Why Doesn't Sex Feel Good To Me?
Sex should be a pleasurable experience. There are many reasons sex doesn't feel good to you. Learn the most common reasons sex doesn't feel good.

Tender Breasts: Understanding the Potential Causes
Tender breasts are a common concern for many women. In this article, we explore the potential causes of breast pain, from hormonal changes to underlying health conditions.

Men's Sexual Dysfunction: 6 Common Problems & Solutions
Learn the 6 most common sexual challenges men face and treatment options for male sexual dysfunction.

Why Does My Vulva Itch?
Wondering why your V is itchy? Stop! Before you diagnose your itchy vulva as a yeast infection, read this new article on common causes of an itchy vulva and what you can do about it!

A Note From Our Founder
Rosy Founder, Lyndsey Harper MD, reflects on such a momentous year, for the world and for Rosy.

The More You Know: Sexually Transmitted Infections
Sexually Transmitted Infections, also known as STIs or STDs are either bacteria or viruses spread through sexual activity. Learn more about the 4 most common STIs

3 Ways To Conquer Valentine's Day Dread
You might be experiencing (what we call) the Valentine’s Day Dread. These women report that not only do they not look forward to February 14th, they actually have anxiety just thinking about it. Here are 3 Ways to Conquer Valentine's Day Dread

Social Distancing, Human Connection, & Sex
4 easy things you can do at home with your partner to keep intimacy a priority while staying safe during social distancing

Why I Created Rosy
Rosy was created by OB/GYN, Lyndsey Harper, MD for the millions of women who struggle with low libido. Read her story & how we help women's sexual problems.

What Is HSDD?
Dr. Harper defines Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, lists criteria that allows for diagnosis and gives an overview of different treatment options.

The Missing O! Why Some Women Can’t Orgasm
More than 20% of women have difficulty with orgasm. Find out why you might not be able to have an orgasm and how to help.

Becoming Cliterate: Great Reads For Your Sexual Health
Update your sexual knowledge will these great reads recommended by Rosy Founder and CEO, Lyndsey Harper, MD